

发布时间: 2024-05-12 07:01:33北京青年报社官方账号

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Apart from constant backing from the government and universities, more investment from the private sector is needed to facilitate the manufacturing of Hong Kong's high-tech anti-epidemic products, say experts.


Apart from social and economic development, the human rights situation in the Tibet autonomous region has also been significantly improved since democratic reform took place in the region in 1959, a senior official from Tibet said on Wednesday.


Anybody who truly cares about Hong Kong will never take money in order to either "show up" for a protest, or perpetrate any form of violence. A person who cares about Hong Kong will not beat up civilians from other places as they are passing through our airport!


Answer: My name is Nurimangul Obulqasim, a graduate from the Vocational Education and Training Center of Hotan County, and I am now the director for women's affairs of Yapchaliq village, Langru township. As a graduated trainee, I think I am the most qualified to speak on what the center was like. When I first entered the center, I saw clean buildings, beautiful gardens and lawns, bright and spacious classrooms with each being equipped with multimedia teaching facilities, which greatly facilitated our study in class. The dormitories were also well equipped with TVs, electric fans and bathrooms.


Another challenge to her administration, she said, is to improve the executive-legislature relationship that has been sabotaged by those putting personal grudges over objective facts. That has hindered the SAR government's governing effectiveness and Hong Kong's economic and social progress, Lam said.


